Golang Map

Golang Map is a fundamental data structure in Go, providing an efficient way to store and retrieve key-value pairs. In this series, we’ll explore Golang map in depth, covering everything from basic concepts to advanced techniques.

What is a Golang Map?

A Golang map is a built-in data structure that represents a collection of unordered key-value pairs. It’s similar to dictionaries in Python or hash table in other languages and can be thought of as an associative array. Maps provide fast lookups, insertions, and deletions, making them ideal for many programming scenarios. Maps in Go are a reference type, meaning they point to the underlying data structure.

How Golang Maps Work

Under the hood, Golang maps are implemented as hash tables. In go language, When you add a key-value pair to a map:

  1. Computes a hash of the key.
  2. Uses the hash to determine where to store the value in memory.
  3. Stores the key-value pair in that location.

This process allows for constant-time average complexity for basic operations like insertion, deletion, and retrieval. The unique identifiers in a map ensure that each key-value pair is distinct.

Initializing and Creating Golang Maps

There are different ways to initialize and create maps in Go:

  1. Using the make function: The make function allocates memory but also initializes the underlying data structure, make it available for immediate use. The initialized map with new map can be seen in the following syntax:
m := make(map[string]int)

This method is often considered a better way to create maps when you plan to add a number of key-value pairs, as it allows you to specify an initial capacity.

2. Using a mapliteral:

m := map[string]int{
    "age": 30,
    "salary": 2000,

3. Declaring a nil map:

var m map[string]int

Note that a nil map can be read from, but writing to it will cause a runtime error. Always initialize a map before writing to it. A nil map is considered a zero value for maps.

Basic Map Operations

Here are some common operations you can perform with maps in the following example:

m = {
    "zipCode": 112,
    "rank": 5,
    "salary": 2000,

// Adding or updating a with a new key-value pair of existing map
m["age"] = 40
// Map becomes: {"zipCode": 112, "rank": 5, "salary": 2000, "age": 40}

// Retrieving a map value
value := m["age"]
// value is 40, map remains unchanged

// The new value for age is 45.
m["age"] = 45

// Checking if a key exists
value, exists := m["zipCode"]
if exists {
    fmt.Println("ZipCode exists in the map"). 
// This will print "ZipCode exists in the map"

// Deleting a key-value pair
delete(m, "zipCode")
// Map becomes: {"rank": 5, "salary": 2000, "age": 40}

Advanced Map Techniques

Golang Maps with Multiple Values per Key:

While Go doesn’t have a built-in multimap, you can achieve similar functionality by using a slice as the value data type:

multiMap := make(map[string][]int)
multiMap["maths"] = []int{43, 47, 49}
multiMap["physics"] = []int{30, 40, 42}
  • The first argument creates a new variable multiMap where the map keys are strings, and the values are slices of integers ([]int).
  • This is the core of how we achieve multimap functionality.
  • In the second line we are associating key “maths” with multiple integer initial values {43, 47, 49}. Here we have defined two unique keys: maths and physics.

Converting Maps to JSON

Go’s encoding/json package makes it easy to convert maps to JSON strings:

import "encoding/json"

m := map[string]int{"maths": 42, "physics": 47}
jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(m)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Println("Error:", err)

  • In the above example, the json.Marshal() function from the encoding/json package converts the map m into a JSON-formatted byte slice.
  • The jsonStr will contain the JSON data as a byte slice if successful or err will be non-nil if there was error in marshalling.
  • Later, we convert the byte slice to a string and print it. The output will be the JSON representation of the original map.

Iterating Over Maps

You can use a for with the range keyword to iterate over a map::

for key, value := range m {
    fmt.Printf("Key: %s, Value: %d\n", key, value)
  • The range keyword simplifies the syntax for iterating over collections like maps, slices, arrays, and channels.
  • It makes the code more readable and concise.
  • This is much more straightforward than manually managing indices or iterators. Remember that the iteration order is not guaranteed in Go maps.

Maps vs. Slices

While both maps and slices are useful data structures, they serve different purposes:

  • Use maps when you need key-value associations and fast lookups
  • Use slices when you need an ordered collection of individual elements

Here’s a comparison:

LookupO(1) averageO(n)
Key typeAny comparable typeInteger indices
Memory usageHigherLower

In the next part, we’ll cover some frequently asked questions about Golang maps.

Golang Map FAQs

How to Clear a Map in Golang?

To clear a map, you can either:

  1. Reassign it to an empty map literal:
m = map[string]int{}

2. Iterate and delete all keys:

for k := range m {
    delete(m, k)

How to Sort a Map in Golang?

Maps in Go are unordered by design. To sort map contents:

  1. Extract keys into a slice
  2. Sort the slice
  3. Iterate over the sorted slice to access map values in order
package main

import (

func main() {
    m := map[string]int{
        "maths": 42,
        "physics":  47,
        "chemistry": 39,

    keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
    for k := range m {
        keys = append(keys, k)

    for _, k := range keys {
        fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", k, m[k])


chemistry: 39
maths: 42
physics: 47

keys := make([]string, 0, len(m). This line creates a new slice of strings using the make function:

  • for k := range m { keys = append(keys, k) } This loop iterates over the map m:
    • k represents each key in the map.append(keys, k) adds each key to the keys slice.
    The append function:
  • Takes a slice (keys) and one or more elements to add.
  • Returns a new slice with the elements added.
  • If the slice’s capacity is sufficient, it modifies the existing slice; otherwise, it creates a new, larger slice.
  • sort.Strings(keys)This line sorts the keys slice alphabetically using the sort.Strings function from the sort package.
  • for _, k := range keys { fmt.Printf("%s: %d\n", k, m[k]) } This loop iterates over the sorted keys slice:
  • _ ignores the index (we don’t need it).
  • k is each key from the sorted slice.
  • m[k] retrieves the value from the map for each key.
  • The Printf statement prints each key-value pair.

Since maps in Go are unordered by default, this technique allows you to process the map’s contents in a predictable, sorted manner.

Can a Golang Map be Null?

A map in Go can be nil, but not null (Go doesn’t have a null value). A nil map is valid for reading but will panic if you try to write to it.

var m map[string]int // m is nil
fmt.Println(m == nil) // true

What is Golang map[string]interface{}?

map[string]interface{} is a map with string keys and values of any type. It’s commonly used when working with JSON or when you need to store values of different types:

m := make(map[string]interface{})
m["name"] = "John"
m["age"] = 30
m["scores"] = []int{95, 89, 92}


Golang maps are versatile and powerful data structures that are essential for many programming tasks. By understanding their behavior and mastering their usage, you can write more efficient and expressive Go code.For more information, check out the official Go documentation on maps:

In future posts, we’ll explore more advanced topics like concurrent map usage, custom map implementations, and performance optimizations. Stay tuned!

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